<p>From the reviews:</p><p>“This work, directed toward majors in the applied sciences, is presented as a series of 50 lectures on standard topics in introductory complex analysis. Agarwal and Perera (both, Florida Institute of Technology) and Pinelas (Azores Univ., Portugal) have organized each lecture/chapter around certain theorems and their proofs and accompany each with a problem set and solutions. … Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and graduate students.” (D. Robbins, Choice, Vol. 49 (5), January, 2012)</p><p>“This volume provides a compact and thorough introduction to complex analysis. The text takes account of varying needs and backgrounds and provides a self-study text for students in mathematics, science and engineering. … This concise text not only provides efficient proofs but also shows students how to derive them. The excellent exercises are accompanied by selected solutions. … The exposition is clear, concise, and lively. The book is mainly addressed to undergraduate and graduate students interested in complex analysis.” (Teodora-Liliana Rădulescu, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1230, 2012)</p><p>“It consists of 50 ‘class-tested lectures’ in which the subject matter has been organized in the form of theorems, proofs and examples. Most of the lectures are … followed by graded exercises that go from the routine to the richly informative. Solutions and hints are provided for nearly all of these, which means that the book is highly suited for self-tuition purposes. … it is also suited to the needs of non-specialists, such as those concerned with the applied sciences.” (P. N. Ruane, The Mathematical Association of America, October, 2011)</p>