'A great follow-up to her book Keep It Shut, this practical and engaging devotional will convict and encourage you! We all need to tame the tongue, don't we? This practical help is exactly what we need to get us there!'
Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher and bestselling author, For Women Only
'Few people use words wisely. Those who do are like a 'rare jewel,' as the Scriptures say (Proverbs 20:15). Short, insightful, and aimed at the heart, Karen Ehman's brand new devotional, Zip It, offers hope to those of us who want to be that 'rare jewel.' Powerful!'
Patrick and Ruth Schwenk, founders of TheBetterMom.com and ForTheFamily.org; coauthors, For Better or For Kids
'Karen Ehman combines biblical depth and relational breadth, then wraps it all in practical application, making Zip It the complete package! In it, Karen has identified all the nuances of our speech, especially those with potential to harm, calling us out in the very kindest way, and offering hope for our wayward tongues. The right word in the right manner at the right moment has the power to transform lives. I'm so grateful to Karen for inviting us to a place of loveliness and grace with our words in a world that so desperately needs both.'
Glynnis Whitwer, Executive Director of Communications, Proverbs 31 Ministries; Senior Editor, Encouragement for Today online devotions; editor, The NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women
'Karen Ehman teaches God's truth in an authentic, practical, humorous, yet very relational way. In her new book, Zip It, Karen guides us through Scriptures concerning the tongue, while also providing application-oriented takeaways and helpful lessons for our lips. Not only did Zip It inspire me to choose my words more carefully and prayerfully--especially when Facebook makes me feisty--but I also can't wait to read it with my two tween daughters. This devotion will be a 'go-to' for many years to come. Highly recommend!'
Cindy Bultema, Bible teacher, speaker, and author of Red Hot Faith and Live Full, Walk Free: Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World
'Karen equips us with takeaways, lessons, and prayers to ensure the words we speak not only please the Lord but also bless and encourage others. I especially love her challenge to create a 'word-robe' (a word wardrobe) within our hearts and fill it with biblical truths and promises tailored to meet our needs and circumstances.'
Wendy Blight, Proverbs 31 Ministries First 5 Writing Team; author, I Know His Name: Discovering Power in the Name of God
'Karen has done it again! In her coffee-shop-chat style, Karen's latest devotional encourages us to use our words wisely. With her perfect blend of teaching and transparency, Karen leads with wisdom and wit. I felt convicted but hopeful that this is a change that is biblical and possible!'
Whitney Capps, national speaker for Proverbs 31 Ministries and writer for their First 5 app
'Our words are a powerful weapon--for good or for evil. To wield our weapons properly, we need to allow God to steer our speech, aligning our words with his will. Karen Ehman has given us an important tool in this quest. Zip It takes us on a 40-day devotional journey through the Bible, giving us biblical direction, questions for reflection, and a daily challenge to ponder as we discover what to say, God's way of saying it, and when we'd better just shut our mouths.'
Dr. Tony Evans, senior pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas; founder, The Urban Alternative; former chaplain, Dallas Cowboys; chaplain, Dallas Mavericks; author, Watch Your Mouth: Understanding the Power of the Tongue
'Our words are directly tied to the condition of our relationship with Jesus. The 40-challenge of Zip It arrives at a great time in the history of the world. Social media, circles of friendships, and family relationships are built and destroyed with the power of our words. Zip It is a great book that will help you have victory of your mouth! Take the challenge!'
Chrissie Dunham, Global Director of Women's Ministry, Prestonwood Baptist Church
'Our words hold the power to make someone feel like a king or a pauper. This book will help you with 'mouth management' so the ones closest to you will feel like royalty. Karen Ehman is a trusted guide who will teach you when to zip it and when to speak up.'
Arlene Pellicane, Proverbs 31 Ministries writer and speaker; author, 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom
'This 40-day challenge is just what I need to help me refocus and think through the words I say daily. Karen Ehman's biblical wisdom, mixed with practical insight and everyday applications, helps me see that I can do better. If I follow God's Word and think before I speak, I can learn to zip it and so can you! This is a must-read for all of us.'
Courtney Joseph, author and blogger, WomenLivingWell.org and GoodMorningGirls.org