<i>Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment</i> is an extraordinarily rich evocation of the popular culture of seventeenth-century New England… A short review can only hint at the methodological brilliance and the interpretive richness of this relatively brief book. Hall succeeds not only in sketching out a new agenda for study of the New England mind but strikes out skillfully on the task of integrating the beliefs of the colonies with their everyday lives.
- Francis J. Bremer, Journal of American History
A remarkable work of cultural history… The mentality described will seem alien yet fascinating to most modern readers, but the hardy souls here depicted are people of rare courage and character. Hall deserves high praise for reopening an intellectual pathway to their world.
David Hall has written a work of deep learning and great subtlety. In discussing seventeenth-century New England culture, it provides a new way of looking at religious belief… Hall demonstrates that old ways simply will not do, and he redefines the character of religion and culture in New England. He has written a brilliant book, one that will stimulate its readers for many years.
- Robert Middlekauff, University of California, Berkeley,
David Hall’s highly innovative new work…provides close reading, profound insights, and trans-Atlantic comparisons that make this a book of very broad significance and interest.
- Michael Kammen, Cornell University,
In this remarkable book David Hall has carried the study of early New England to new levels of understanding… He shows us, as never before, how the sophisticated doctrines of the Puritan clergy meshed, clashed, and merged with the inherited attitudes and assumptions of ordinary people in their day-to-day grappling with the mysteries of their world. This is a model of historical analysis, not merely for what it tells us about early New England, but also for its brilliant insights into the way religion can operate in society.
- Edmund S. Morgan, Yale University,