Turner explores theological, pastoral, and ritual aspects of Confirmation that have long been in need of deeper conversation. The title tells it all, as this book endeavors to look at how other Christians are received into full communion with the Catholic Church. . . . Readers are listening and are well informed by When Other Christians Become Catholic to further an inspiring vision of Baptism and Christian unity.<i>Catechumenate </i>
This book will be helpful to RCIA teams, worship commissions, and others interested in liturgy. It should be required reading for every pastor and RCIA director.<i>Pastoral Liturgy</i>
By offering the proper contexts in which to understand what we do when we receive baptized Christians into the full communion of the Catholic Church, Turner has challenged us to examine our practices and to move toward rites that better reflect the true nature of what we are doing and in this way to witness to the unity of Christians as it is now and as it is to be.<i>Pastoral Music</i>
This is an excellent overview of the program that will help pastors to train those who teach or sponsor candidates in the program, or who would like to explain the historical basis for revival of the catechumenate program at the parish level. It should be read by pastors and be on the shelves of seminary libraries.<i>Catholic Library World</i>
Tradition is not the past but the Church’s present understanding of the dynamic treasure its past has transmitted. Authored by one who is both scholar and pastor, this book on a hitherto neglected area of pastoral liturgy opens up for the reader the riches of that tradition in a way that makes them relevant for today. Paul Turner’s illuminating analysis of the multiple problems implicit in the formation of liturgical rites, past and present, demonstrates that change has always been the law of Catholic liturgy, and that Catholic rites modified in the aftermath of Vatican II were themselves also the product of growth and change to express new understandings and meet new needs. The new rites for receiving baptized Christians into full communion with the Catholic Church are delineated clearly and critically, with special emphasis on problems peculiar to their American adaptation and use. Read this book and you’ll wish Paul Turner were your pastor. Robe
BAPTISM MAKES IT DIFFERENT! Beware when you read this book! It will change how you implement the Initiation process in your parish. Paul Turner has once again given the Church a masterful book to help all of us understand Baptism and in particular how we are to walk with those who approach the Catholic Church for 'union and communion'. Besides a comprehensive historical grasp of the development of the Rite of Reception into the Catholic Faith, he also provides practical insights and direction for those involved in today’s initiation ministry with candidates for reception into full communion of the Catholic Church.Sr. Gael Gensler, OSF Pastoral associate, St. Julie Billiart Parish Tinley Park, IL
No one working in any facet of the Rites of Christian Iniatiation of Adults in today's churches, can afford to miss this book! Clearly and succinctly written, Paul Turner underscores that the RCIA is not about making 'converts' out of baptized Christians from other traditions but was intended to be and should be still about the way in which unbaptized people are fully initiated into Christ and the Church. Hence, this study explores in an ecumenically-sensitive way what our common baptism means with regard to rites of reception into full communion.Maxwell Johnson, Professor of Liturgical Studies, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame