I Introduction; Essay on religion and political thought.; II Classical Texts; 1. Introduction to and overview of the Classical Material beginning with Aristotle's analysis of different political forms of governance; 2. The Body Metaphor in Christian Polity; Augustine, excerpt from 'City of God'; John of Salisbury, excerpt from 'Policratus'; Aquinas, excerpt from 'On Government'; Boniface VIII, 'Unam Sanctam'; 3. The Battle for Sovereignty in Early Modernity; Martin Luther, excerpt from 'An Address to German Noblemen'; Jean Bodin, excerpt from 'Six Books on the Commonwealth'; James I, excerpt from 'Basilicon Doron'; Thomas Hobbes, excerpt from 'Leviathan'; Enlightenment; a) Monarchy and Parliamentarism in Europe; Jean Jacques Rousseau, excerpt from 'The Social Contract'; Joseph de Maistre, excerpt from 'On Constitution'; The French Constitution of 1793; Immanuel Kant, 'What is Enlightenment?'; b) Democracy and Constitutionalism in the United States; Thomas Paine, excerpt from 'Common Sense'; Constitution of the United States 1787; Excerpts from The Federalist Papers; Alexis de Tocqueville, excerpt from 'Democracy in America'; 5. From Marx to Socialism; Karl Marx, 'Introduction to the Critique OF Hegel's Philosophy of Right'; Max Weber, excerpt from 'Prostestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism'; Simone Weil, excerpt from 'The need for roots'; 6. Totalitarian Seduction in Democracy; Carl Schmitt, excerpt from 'Political Theology'; Hannah Arendt, 'Banality of Evil'; Eric Voegelin, excerpt from 'Political Religion'; III Current Debates; Giorgio Agamben, excerpt from 'Homo Sacer'; Slavoj Zizek, excerpt from 'Did Anyone say Totalitarianism?'; Charles Taylor, excerpt from 'Secularism and Democracy'; Johann Baptist Metz, excerpt from 'New Political Theology'; Marcella Althaus Reid (commissioned essay on Liberation Theology and Gender Politics); John Zavos (commissioned essay on Hinduism and Nationalism); Francesca Tarrocco (commissioned essay on Buddhism and the New China); Andreas Christmann (commissioned essay on Islamic Fundamentalism).
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