A valuable, enlightening study … Many NT scholars will value this book, particularly for the study of reception of <i>hupotassein</i>. Those interested in hermeneutics will wish to pay special attention to Evans’ argument for the important place of historical criticism in Gadamer’s scheme.
Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Robert Evans’ <i>Reception History, Tradition and Biblical Interpretation</i> is an important discussion partner in the hermeneutics of reception history and is not to be missed by anyone with an interest in hermeneutics, reception history, and methodological issues of New Testament study.
The Two Cities
Evans has provided us with an invaluable guide to the legacy of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hans-Robert Jauss. This book will provoke anyone embarking on research in the reception of the Bible to reflect more carefully on their appropriation of the concept of Wirkungsgeschichte.
Review of Biblical Literature