An intellectual tour de force! This book demonstrates great intellectual range and theological imagination; it should be read by all students of theology, religious studies and African American religion and history. I have nothing but praise for this work by a young African American scholar who must be reckoned with.
James H. Cone, Charles Augustus Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Theological Seminary
Jay Kameron Carter has written an extraordinarily insightful and sophisticated analysis of race as it has been constructed in modern philosophy and theology. His study reconceptualizes modernity and demonstrates the centrality of religion to any understanding of racism.
Susannah Heschel, Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College
Carter's endeavor to lift up the principle of love as both theological and moral virtue has important implications for theological and ethical discourse in teh 21st century. ...A great book by any standard. Its breadth adn depth are impressive beyond measure.
Christian Century
J. Kameron Carter's Race: A Theological Account breaks new ground in contemporary theology... Carter's book has already spurred a rush of interest in Christology and race in many different theological circles. Because of its provocation, its clarity, and its comprehensiveness, Race: A Theological Account will be a seminal text in Christian theological discourse for many years to come.
Books & Culture
This is an amazing book: in scope, scholarship, audacity, and significance. Carter takes on no less than the enitre Western philosophical, political and theological tradition in offering a Christian analysis of race, religion, and their critically bodied intersections. Painstakingly unfolding a thesis as simple as it is breathtaking, Carter shows how supersessionism finds its final resting place in modernity's hegemony of whiteness.
Religious Studies Review