Matthew Levering has assembled a delightful compendium on prayer, drawing on both the Church’s rich liturgical tradition and the timeless wisdom of the saints and holy men and women throughout the ages. Dr. Levering has carefully culled the enclosed selections on prayer, public and private, to reiterate St. Paul’s exhortation to 'pray always' (1 Thess 5:17), and to emphasize that God waits expectantly to bestow the grace of intimate union in prayer to all those who seek Him. This wonderful volume will be an invaluable resource for anyone who desires to learn more about prayer by reading the personal reflections of holy and deeply prayerful Christians throughout the centuries, and, most importantly, to personally embark upon the journey towards deeper intimacy in prayer with Christ.
- Mother Mary Assumpta Long, O.P., Prioress General, Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Ann Arbor, MI,
Sometimes prayer comes easily; sometimes it is hard work. But this collection of writings by masters of prayer from the first century to the twentieth proves that even reading about prayer can be prayerful. Real prayer always involves raising the mind and heart to God. These selections not only describe a variety of helpful methods for contemplation but they also lead by example and invite readers to enter into prayer for themselves.
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Chair of the Philosophy Department, Fordham University,
The call to deep, personal, union with God is being strongly communicated by the Spirit in these days. Matthew Levering's book gives us a wonderful resource for accessing the spiritual depths of our tradition that can be of so much help in responding to this call.
- Ralph Martin, Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit,