The Handbook is scrupulous in covering the views of all the main Christian traditions and perspectives, and Orthodox perspectives receive admirably balanced coverage throughout the work. There are a couple of curious examples in which traditions are treated slightly less thoroughly than might seem warranted.
Philip Jenkins, Fides et Historia
So many are the impacts of Christmas, and so diverse, that we can scarcely imagine a single book that could do the topic justice. We must then laud the sheer ambition of Oxford University Press in proposing anything like The Oxford Handbook of Christmas, and the raw nerve of Timothy Larsen in undertaking the editorial guidance. The resulting book is a triumph.
Philip Jenkins, Baylor University, Fides et Historia
Larsen has edited a volume that, with all its scholarly orientation and high quality, also offers inspiring reading for long evenings in winter, Advent and the Christmas days and provides fresh angles for celebrating Christmas, be it in a Christian congregation, at home or in wider society.
C. Stenschke, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Everyone who loves Christmas will want to have this work of reference on their bookshelf.
Salvador Ryan, St Patrick's College, Maynooth
The Oxford Handbook of Christmas is a perfect treasure trove.
Chris Deacy, Theology
[Timothy Larsen's] book, a highly readable collection of 45 essays by well-informed scholars, is a fascinating box of focusing lenses on Christmas—its history, theology, iconography, traditions, and, yes, its controversies, including those of the present moment.
Book Review Editor, Wall Street Journal
[T]his vast collection, edited by Timothy Larsen —an expert in Victorian religious life—offers stimulating essays on what might be called Christmasness; thus it will be ever timely.
Alexandra Mullen, Wall Street Journal
This beautiful, comprehensive handbook thoroughly covers the religious and cultural significance of the Christian festival of Christmas. Larsen (Christian thought, Wheaton College, Illinois) assembled an international team of contributors, and he divides their 45 essays into eight topical parts. "History" covers the history of Christmas in Christianity from the beginning to the present; "Theology" and "Worshipping Communities" deal with, respectively, the biblical and theological aspects of Christmas and how the holiday is observed within the various Christian communities; and "The Nativity Story" examines different aspects of the traditional Christmas narrative. ... Though the beauty of the book and its illustrations could lead one to think otherwise, this is a serious work of scholarship, as evidenced by the extensive bibliographies at the end of each essay.
M. A. Granquist, CHOICE
The Oxford Handbook of Christmas is impressively comprehensive.
Daniel N. Gullotta, The Current
Timothy Larsen has put together a very readable collection, ideal for dipping into, full of fascination.
Rowan Williams, Times Literary Supplement
Representing both a timely and a significant contribution to the field, this edited collection draws together an impressively varied complication of contributions, from social history, literature, music, art, theology, biblical studies, and law, and should without doubt now be considered a stalwart companion for anyone embarking on work in this area.
Journal of Festive Studies