Join us as we explore the historic understanding of Covenant and show how this understanding can be used to build the deepest and most powerful relationship with God. What kind of relationship did Jesus intend when He offered a New Covenant relationship? How is a Covenant relationship different from all others? In our day we have lost this understanding. We view covenant as a kind of contract intended to define —or confine—our behavior. Or, we believe our relationship can be whatever we want it to be. Instead, Covenant is a very specific thing. As we enter a Covenant, our identity changes. We are joined to another in a bond of shared identity. The model for this is the Trinity, three distinct beings joined by a common nature and identity. Covenant does not just connect, it transforms. But building our new, transformed life—now connected to God in the most intimate way—is a process with many steps. Much is required of us in this process. God’s plan is detailed in Scripture, but is also inherent in the nature of the relationship itself. Covenant is truly the heart of God’s plan for our life, and for all of humanity.
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Marketing Plans For the Covenent Relationship Series Platform Dr. Johnson continues to build his platform with the two new books, after launching his platform as an author with the first two books. This first series will soon be followed by additional books on other topics. Author’s professionally-designed website displays the book covers, excerpt, author bio, and links to media interviews. Dr. Johnson also plans to pursue additional speaking opportunities as the books are launched and opportunities become available. Social Media Dr. Johnson has hired a social media firm to assist with his developing his social media presence through various venues: Posts will be made to Facebook Author Page, and author’s other social media accounts. Social media expert will work with author to increase followers. All social media will provide link to author website. Paid Advertising and direct mail A substantial investment in paid advertising and direct mail will include: Ads will be run in Parable and Munce Spring/Easter 2021 catalogues. Author is pursuing direct mailings to key senior pastors as well as family life, and discipleship pastors nationwide Author will also reach out to the Christian counseling community in trade journals and conventions. Publicity: National Publicity Firm, Buoyancy Public Relations, has already been retained to seek to obtain publicity for the book launch and post launch. Publicity work, which began in fall 2019, is continuing through 2021. Media Publicity: To date, Dr. Johnson has garnered more than 25 interviews for the first two books. Buoyancy PR continues to work with a custom list of primary targets for the new books to pitch and follow up to obtain media interviews with Christian radio, TV and podcasts whose combined audience is in the millions. Publicity for the next two titles is continuing with a news releases that will be issued in coming months to thousands of Christian media and other media outlets including newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs which appeal to the target audience for this book. Author plans to participate in the National Religious Broadcasters convention in February 2021 to promote the books both to all attendees of the event through his participation in an exhibition booth, but also by garnering media interviews. The publicity campaign will continue for through mid-year 2021, and possibly longer. Trade and Reader Reviews: Advanced reading copies will be sent out for trade and consumer reviews. Author will also participate in NetGalley to reach professional readers and reviewers in the month prior to release. Book blogger and social media reviewer campaign for reviews will follow. Industry Events: NRB 2021: Author will have dedicated exhibition booth space at NRB being held in the Dallas area in March 2021 to promote the books both to all attendees of the event through his participation in an exhibition booth, in addition to garnering media interviews, as outlined above. Christian Product Expo Winter 2021: Author plans to be represented at the Munce winter show. In addition, author is planning to access services that will display the book at trade shows he cannot attend.
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Clovercroft Publishing
228 mm
152 mm
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Mark Johnson was introduced to the historically correct definition of Covenant in 1983. With this understanding, every seemingly unrelated aspect of Christianity fit together into a seamless whole that made perfect sense. Understanding the transformation that occurs as we enter Covenant is a key that unlocked more growth, deeper life change, and a more intimate relationship with God—a plan inherent in the nature of this relationship. After proving the importance of this understanding over decades in life, Marriage, family, teaching and mentoring, Dr. Johnson authored the Covenant Series to make this understanding—about Marriage and the New Covenant—available to everyone. Dr. Johnson and his wife, Holley, have raised seven children, who are now spread across the earth with a growing number of grandchildren. Their medical practice in the Nashville area has treated patients from forty-nine states and many foreign countries. Dr. Johnson also teaches and conducts research in his specialty.