The Jewish quest for spiritual meaning and intellectual depth is furthered many steps by this exciting study of three diving commandments. This book can help defeat the emotional vacuum which results from rote performance of religious ritual. It points to the richness of belief, values, and commitments which lie embedded in Jewish symbolic arts and objects.
- Rabbi Saul J. Berman, director, Edah,
One of the fundamental principles of Judaism is the eternal relevance to life of Torah and the practical observance of mitzvot. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch endeavored through his commentaries and teachings to demonstrate this relevance to modern man. In his work on three of the main mitzvot, Dr. Stephen Bailey presents the reader of our age with an inspirational, thought-provoking work which enhances their fulfillment and understanding. It will prove useful to both scholars and students—and is a contribution to the task of remaining true to Torah in the face of the challenge of changing times.
- Elliott Bondi, senior editor, Samson Raphael Hirsch Publications Society,