These essays by one of Europe's foremost Jewish scholars of Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Muslim relations provide many keen insights into developments in interreligious relations over the past fifteen years. But that is not all! In addition, Edward Kessler points ahead to important future tasks. He calls for "exegetical relativity" in interpreting scriptures; for bringing dialogue into the mainstream of Jewish concerns; for reckoning with the impact of globalization on interreligious relations; for greater study of the mutual influence the Abrahamic traditions have had on each other; for explorations of how Judaism might serve as an intermediary between Christianity and Islam; and, above all, for all three communities to remember the past for the sake of their common future.
- Philip A. Cunningham, Ph.D.,,
This volume represents another highly readable, topical contribution by Kessler. The subjects covered include helpful overviews of generational shifts, global changes, and institutional statements, as well as a range of insightful biblical studies and explorations of the place of Islam within interfaith dialogue. Altogether, this collection of essays offers a fascinating window onto the developing world of Abrahamic Faith studies.
- Daniel Langton,
This volume from one of the UK's leading practitioners of, and reflectors on, relations between and among the Abrahamic religions, provides valuable insights into many different aspects of their inter-relationship, including their texts, both scriptural and contemporary, and the dynamics of the relationship between them on a community level, both in the West and in the Middle East.
- Hugh Goddard,