mention- The Chronicle of Higher Education/ October 13, 2006
"In this important study, Smith has moved the discussion forward in several ways. He has successfully revived the thesis that Paul was countering a form of Jewish mysticism that can indeed be dated to Paul's time and that was prevalent in the Mediterranean world. He provides a helpful survey to texts that point to the significance of "heavenly ascents" in Jewish mysticism, and he is able to show how such 'heavenly ascents' build on a corollary set of beliefs, beliefs that can in turn be manifested in a host of practices...More importantly, this study delivers what it promises in providing a detailed examination of major portions of Colossians. Instead of focusing on selected verses, this study shows how an examination of the entire epistle is necessary in determining what Paul is countering in this further study on the Colossian text in general and the Colossian heresy in particular can afford to ignore this detailed and careful study." —David W. Pao, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, December 2007
- David W. Pao,
Reviewed in International Review of Biblical Studies, 2007.
"Dr Smith offers some careful exegesis" "a thorough amd sometimes illuminting addition to the monograph literature on this difficult epistle. Research libraries will want it" Theological Book Review, vol.19 no.2 2007
- Robert Morgan,