The continuing reconciliation between Christians and Jews is one of the greatest blessings in recent times. But this progress is still a work that is underway as the challenge of John's Gospel shows. An inspiring part of spiritual literature, the text also preaches fierce denunciations of Jews. This volume brings together leading experts to educate us in our encounter with John and, thus, with our own cultural and individual angels and demons.
- James Bernauer S.J., Boston College,
Adele Reinhartz brings together fresh work by senior scholars on one of the most persistent issues in Jewish-Christian relations. Their collective effort ranges across centuries, traditions, disciplines, and perspectives in ways unusual in a single volume. Internal disagreements between them will spark stimulating reflection and their engagement with some of today's hottest issues makes clear the importance of revisiting John's most challenging passages and images. Every one of these essays will enrich the thoughtful reader and preacher of John in unexpected ways.
- Peter A. Pettit, director, Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding; Assistant Professor of Religion, Muhlenberg College, PA,
Adele Reinhartz, a leading voice in Johannine studies, convenes here a rich multidisciplinary set of resources from leading scholars for anyone seeking answers to an unresolved but urgent question in Christian-Jewish relations: how ought Christians to receive the many hostile references to “the Jews” in John’s Gospel? What models, positive and negative, exist, including in preaching and the arts?
- Ruth Langer, Boston College,