<p><strong>'Karl Barth was a man of his time. Yet he was also a genius, able to see a little further than many and to offer new insights into the ways of God and mankind.'</strong> - <em>Professor Colin Gunton, The Times</em><br /><br /><strong>'With a startling suddenness [Barth's] message has transformed the whole outlook of Protestant theology on the continent.'</strong> - <em>The Times Literary Supplement</em><br /><br /><strong>'This is a beautifully produced reissue of a collection of essays.'</strong> - <em>Reviews in Religion and Theology</em><br /><br /><strong>'This welcome reissue in the Routledge Classics series...introduces the first-time reader to aspects of his mature thought in an accessible way...</strong><em>God Here and Now</em><strong> is a superb introduction to Barth at his most compelling and most frustrating.'</strong> - <em>Epworth Review</em></p>