Brown's observations are frequently striking and often sharp. We lurch from the first gay kiss in the television soap opera Eastenders to the symbolism of different cuts of jeans...this book is beautifully written, always thought-provoking, and displays vast, quirkily juxtapositioned erudition.
Phillip McCosker, The Tablet
A necessarily short review cannot do justice to the wide range of these two volumes, which witness to an impressive mastery of multi-faceted material, as well as Brown's ability to present it in a highly readable and engaging style...warmly commended, and it is to be hoped that others will follow where David Brown has led.
Geoffrey Brown, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
Brown has writtien a provocative work of sophisticated theology that, because it wears its learning so lightly, has much to offer the general reader.
Johnathan Wright Catholic Herald
It is not possible to read a book by David Brown without being challenged, informed, and provoked to think again about received assumptions and expectations...[it is a] privilege [to be] invited to revisit familiar liturgical experiences in the company of such an engaging companion and to know them as if for the first time.
John Saxbee, Times Literary Supplement