This book is packed with information and deserves to be read more than once, perhaps every year. It is the most up to date, comprehensive, and perceptive treatment of Holy Week between two covers.Patrick Regan, OSB, Worship
Glory in the Cross is a splendid book. This book deserves a wide readership: liturgists, music directors, liturgy committees, priests, deacons, and all who have a substantial role in preparing some of the most beautiful liturgies during the liturgical year.Pastoral Liturgy
As always, Paul Turner has presented us with a book that demonstrates great breadth and depth of research and scholarship. Glory in the Cross is a text that will be wonderfully useful to pastoral ministers in both parish and diocesan liturgical and catechetical ministry. It will even serve well as one of the texts for use in teaching the Liturgical Year in seminaries and in diaconate formation, as well as in undergraduate and graduate liturgical programs.Stephen F. Obarski, Director, Office Of Worship and Christian Initiation, Diocese of Camden
Paul Turner helps us to ‘get it right’ during Holy Week. But he also does so much more: he comments on the prayer texts of Masses for this special week, offers a theological interpretation of the shape of the rites, situates texts in their historical context, provides pastoral explanation drawing from his own vast experience as pastor and teacher, and takes seriously the reality that there are many different types of liturgical communities and that legitimate adaptations can and must be made to meet their needs. Sometimes this book reads like Pius Parsch’s The Church’s Year of Grace. Sometimes it reads like the General Instruction for the Roman Missal. Sometimes it reads like Jungmann’s The Mass of the Roman Rite. Always it reads with utmost honesty, insight, common sense, thoroughness, and grace. Who would want to celebrate Holy Week in all its fullness without this book at hand?Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S., Director, Institute for Liturgical Min
This book deserves a wide readership: liturgists, music directors, liturgy committees, priests, deacons, and all who have a substantial role in preparing some of the most beautiful liturgies during the liturgical year. Of course, it would be hard to imagine this work not becoming required reading in seminaries and schools of theology training future leaders of liturgy for parish life.
Pastoral Liturgy
Known for his ability in guiding priests, liturgists, catechists, and the faithful to a deeper love for liturgy and its rites, Father Paul Turner, a presbyter of the Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, has again provided another outstanding resource, this time for Holy Week. . . . Turner adheres to his "no nonsense approach" of clearly presenting the Roman Missal, and he captures its noble simplicity quite well. . . . Before preparing for Holy Week, buy, read, and share this book with your liturgy team. You will enjoy this treasure that graciously unpacks the sacred mysteries of these liturgies of Holy Week.
Father John Thomas Lane, SSS, Saint Paschal Baylon Church, Highland Heights, Ohio, Emmanuel
Before preparing for Holy Week, buy, read, and share this book with your liturgy team. You will enjoy this treasure that graciously unpacks the sacred mysteries of these liturgies of Holy Week.
Fr. John Thomas Lane, SSS, Emmanuel: Eucharistic Spirituality