Notes on Contributors1. Introduction - Isaac W. Oliver, Bradley University, USA and Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan, USAPart I: The Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew in Ephesians2. The Construction of Gentiles in the Letter to the Ephesians- Matthew Thiessen, McMaster University, Canada3. “You Who Once Were far off Have Been Brought near.” The Ethne-in-Christ according to Ephesians - William S. Campbell, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, UK4. Ephesians in the Jewish Political Debate of the First Century: Rethinking Paul's Approach in Facing New Challenges - Eric Noffke, Waldesian School of Theology, ItalyPart II: The Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: The Other Deutero-Pauline Epistles5. Colossians’ Grounding Traditionalization of Paul - Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Aarhus University, Denmark6. The Shadow and the Substance: Early Reception of Paul the Jew in the Letter to the Colossians - James Waddell, Ecumenical Theological Seminary, USA7. Master Nations: Pauline Trajectories according to 1 Timothy - Kathy Ehrensperger, Abraham Geiger College, University of Potsdam, GermanyPart III: The Rejection of Reception of Paul? Searching for Paul's Opponents8. Jew Against Jew: The Reception of Paul in Matthew's Christian Jewish Community - David C. Sim, Australian Catholic University, Australia9. Paul among His Enemies? Exploring Potential Theological Traits in the Pseudo-Clementines - Giovanni B. Bazzana, Harvard University, USA10. John of Patmos and the Apostle Paul: Antimony or Affinity? - Joel Willits, North Park University, USAPart IV: The Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew in the Acts of the Apostles11. Why Should Experts Ignore Acts in Pauline Research? - James H. Charlesworth, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA12. Jewish Sensibilities and the Search for the Jewish Paul—The Lukan Paul Viewed through Josephan Judaism: Interplay with Apion 2:190–219 - George Carras, Washington and Lee University, USA13. The Calling of Paul in the Acts of the Apostles - Isaac W. Oliver, Bradley University, USA14. Luke's Portrait of Paul in Acts 21:17-26 - David Rudolph, The King's University, USAPart V: Marcion and the Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew15. Marcion, Paul and the Jews - Judith Lieu, University of Cambridge, UK16. Paul's Problematic Relation to Judaism in the Seneca-Paul Original Correspondence (2nd Century CE?) - Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, USA17. Reading James, Re-reading Paul - David Nienhuis, Seattle Pacific University, USA18. Gentile Judaizing in the Dialogue with Trypho: A Test Case for Justin's Reception of Paul - Benjamin White, Clemson University, USAPart VI: Searching for other Receptions of Paul the Second Temple Jew 19. “As If by Paul”? Some Remarks on the Textual Strategy of Anonymity in Hebrews - Gabriella Gelardini, University of Basel, Switzerland20. The Scripturalization of Letters from “Our Beloved Brother” Paul in 2 Peter - David Downs, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA21. Paul, the Greek Old Testament, and the Promotion of the Flavian Order in 1 Clement - Harry O. Maier, Vancouver School of Theology, CanadaIndex of AuthorsIndex of Texts
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