"Pope Francis has said that ours is not an age of change, but a change of age. In this important collection, we see how the Holy Father is drawing creatively from a range of thinkers and movements—European and Latin American—to bring the people of this age to a new encounter with Jesus Christ and the mercy of God. May these fine essays inspire deeper reflection on the Church's evangelical imperative and the urgency of our calling to be missionary disciples in these times."<b>Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles</b>
"Reading this book, one understands how Ignatius of Loyola's words are true for Pope Francis: `it is not much knowledge that fills and satisfies the soul but feeling and tasting inward.' <i>Discovering Pope Francis</i> testifies that, as for Dostoevsky, Bergoglio's logic is not rigidly algebraic: it is flexible, elastic, alive. It never loses sight of the human. Many of these pages show how his way of thinking liberates the energy needed for the evangelical logos that balances a deep connection and strong engagement to the theological and ecclesial traditions of the Church, as well as a deep commitment to reality and all its challenges and complexity."<b>Fr. Antonio Spadaro, SJ, editor-in-chief of <i>La Civiltà Cattolica</i></b>
"<i>Discovering Pope Francis</i> offers a much-needed panorama of voices necessary to understand the theological roots of a pontificate—roots that are not only in Latin America but also found in 20th-century French (Gaston Fessard and Henri de Lubac) and German-speaking theology (Hans Urs von Balthasar and Romano Guardini). This book provides an appreciation of this pontificate coming from authors who cannot be labeled as `liberal Catholics." It is a remarkable contribution because it fills a lacuna in the literature on Pope Francis who is still too often framed, especially in the USA, in purely political and ideological terms."<b>Massimo Faggioli, coeditor, <i>Pope Francis: A Voice for Mercy, Justice, Love, and Care for the Earth</i></b>
"This work is certainly an excellent interpretation of the `Theology of the People,' from different people, and for all the people. It is an effective demonstration of a true sign of the times: the catholicity of the theological-pastoral message of Pope Francis. The point of view of each one of the authors is the incarnation of his missionary imprint and a sign of an outgoing Church."<b>Emilce Cuda, Argentinian theologian and author of <i>Para leer a Francisco. Teologia, etica y politica</i> and C<i>atolicismo y Democracia en Estados Unidos</i></b>
“This book leaves the reader in little doubt that the theology of Pope Francis is deeply rooted in Catholic theological tradition.”<br /><b><i>Gregorianum</i></b>
"Offers an inside look into the development of the theological thought of the man who has generated much enthusiasm and hope in the American Church even as he has been met with growing dissent from within its conservative circles. This fine collection of essays, seeks to re-introduce Francis to an American Church and society mired in increasing political and theological polarization. An insightful volume."<br /><b><i>Theological Studies</i></b>
"This important collection of essays on the theological and philosophical backgrounds to the thought of Pope Francis begins with a short foreword written by the Pope, included both in the original Spanish and in English translation. This book brings a rich collection of insights and background to the key figures who have influenced Pope Francis, in his theology and philosophy, but also in how he has understood and sought to live out a vision of the Christian life that has its roots in the experience of God gained through the Spiritual Exercises."<br /><b>Tim Noble</b>