McKibben's book is . . . a very good one. He offers a good analysis of the biblical text, draws out its theology, and then relates the book of Job to a modern problem. He is able to show how the one can inform the other in an inspiring way.
Biblical Theology Bulletin, Spring 2008
Bill McKibben is one of the truly original thinkers writing today. He questions what everyone else takes for granted and finds fresh insight in the unlikeliest places. It surprises me not at all that he has plumbed the depths of Job to find wisdom everyone else has overlooked.
- Philip Yancey,
In his usual firm, clear prose and his usual firm, tough logic, Bill McKibben has restated the only message worth stating at all: overcoming the orthodoxy that places us at the center. Either we heed him or we perish.
- Kirkpatrick Sale, Publishers Weekly
McKibben urges . . . an approach to nature that is grounded in joyous celebration of its wonder and beauty as well as in a humbler perception of our place in it. . . . A powerful statement.