High school history bored many students to tears. Their idea of visiting the past is like a trip to Chernobyl - grim, and possibly life-threatening! A big mistake when that past is full of insight, and the guide is Michael Reeves. This fascinating volume covers the massive influence of great thinkers, apologists and 'death wish' martyrs like 'food for wild beasts' Ignatius, the courageous alleged murderer and 'black dwarf' Athanasius, the fat friendly giant Aquinas, and the planet-sized mind of Augustine of Hippo, who all faced the challenges we face. Reeves breathes life into dead men, with historic writing that's about as good as it gets - full of interest, burningly relevant, and totally scinitillating. Modern Christians need to re-discover their roots, if only to prevent them poisoning the church's new shoots with ancient heresies. This is as good an introduction the reader could find. Ignorance is not bliss. Let Reeves tell you why.
Greg Haslam, Westminster Chapel, London