«Das Buch gibt einen lebendigen Einblick in das Leben der Menschen von Dolpo. Wer sich für Tibet und seine Geschichte interessiert, wird hier viel interessante Information finden, die sonst kaum zugänglich sind (sic).» (Peter Eisenegger, tibetfocus 117, 2012)
«The work is extensively and well illustrated; indeed, the production values are high, and the text is enlivened by the author’s scholarly but vivid accounts of pilgrimages and local individuals drawn from her own fieldwork. Descriptions of temples, landscape, and suchlike are extremely well presented. There are seperate maps of Dolpo and the wider region included, along with various glossaries of people, places, Tibetan, and local terms. Any serious library in the field should include this work, and it should be of interest to students and scholars in related areas.» (Alex McKay, Asian Ethnology 72, 2013/1)