1: Yvonne Sherwood: The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field
Part I: Prophets and Revolutionaries
2: Jorunn Økland: Death and the Maiden: Manifestos, Gender, Self-Canonisation, and Violence
3: Jane Shaw: Joanna Southcott and Mabel Barltrop: Interpreting Genesis and Revelation
4: Holly Morse: The First Woman Question: Eve and the Women's Movement
5: Alison Jasper: Reflections on Reading the Bible: From Flesh to Female Genius (Jane Leade)
6: Pamela Kirk Rappaport: Another Esther: Sor Juana s Biblical Self-Portrait
7: Jennifer Leader: Reading The Revelations of the Book / Whose Genesis was June : Emily Dickinson s Hermeneutics of the Heart
8: Ilana Pardes: Toni Morrison's Shulamites: The African-American Song
9: Anna Fisk: Stood Weeping Outside the Tomb: Dis(re)membering Mary Magdalene (Gospels)
10: Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza: Feminist Re-Mappings in Times of Neoliberalism
11: Alicia Ostriker: The Wandering Jewess: Feminism Seeks the Shekinah
Part II:. An Unconventional Tour of the Biblical Canon, beyond the Canons of Feminist/Womanist Criticism
12: Deborah Kahn-Harris: The Inheritance of Gehinnom: Feminist Midrash as a Vehicle for Contemporary Bible Criticism (Genesis)
13: Jennifer L. Koosed: Moses, Feminism and the Male Subject (Exodus)
14: Rachel Havrelock: Home at Last: The Local Domain and Female Power (Deuteronomy/Joshua)
15: Ken Stone: Jacob and the Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism (Judges)
16: Ann Jeffers: Forget It: The Case of Women s Rituals in Ancient Israel; Or, How to Remember the Woman of Endor (Samuel/Kings)
17: Erin Runions: Sexual Politics and Surveillance: A Feminist, Metonymic, Spinozan Reading of Psalm 139
18: Mercedes L. García Bachmann: A Foolish King, Women and Wine, and Sons of Oppression: A Dangerous Cocktail from Lemuel s Mother (Proverbs 31:1-9)
19: Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter: My Mother was a Wandering Aramaean: A Nomadic Approach to the Hebrew Bible (Ruth)
20: Deborah Frances Sawyer: Queen Vashti's No and What It Can Tell Us About Gender Tools in Biblical Narrative (Esther)
21: Ingeborg Löwisch: Miriam Ben Amram, or, How to Make Sense of the Absence of Women in the Genealogies of Levi (1 Chronicles 5.27-6.66)
22: Wai Ching Angela Wong: The Politics of Remembrance: Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1-9 and Haunting Memories in China
23: Jennifer A. Glancy: Corporal Ignorance: The Refusal of Embodied Memory (Gospels)
24: Can an Adulteress Save Jesusa The Pericope Adulterae, Feminist Interpretation, and the Limits of Narrative Agency (John)
25: Joseph Marchal: Pinkwashing Paul, Excepting Jesus: The Politics of Intersectionality, Identification, and Respectability (Paul)
26: Denise K. Buell: Embodied Temporalities: Health, Illness, and the Matter of Feminist Biblical Interpretation
27: Fatima Tofighi: Unveiling the European Woman (Paul)
Part III: Offpage: Actualizations and Performances of Scripture Beyond Protestant Models of Reading
28: Francesca Stavrakopoulou: The Ancient Goddess, the Biblical Scholar, and the Religious Past: Re-imaging Divine Women
29: Carol Meyers: Double Vision: Textual and Archaeological Images of Israelite Women
30: Madiopoane Masenya: Limping, Yet Made to Climb a Mountain! Re-Reading the Vashti Character in the HIV and AIDS South African Context
31: Janice De-Whyte: "The Reproductive Rite: (In)Fertility in the Ashanti & Ancient Hebrew Context"
32: Dawn Llewellyn: But I Still Read the Bible! : Post-Christian Women s Biblicalism
33: Mieke Bal: Sneaky Snakes: Seduction, the Biblical Imagination, and Activating Art
34: Sara Moslener: Material World: Gender and the Bible in Evangelical Purity Culture
35: Zayn Kassam: Muslim Liberative Approaches and Legal Dilemma Towards Gender Justice
36: Rosamond C. Rodman: Scripturalizing and the Second Amendment
37: Yvonne Sherwood: The Impossibility of Queering the Mother: New Sightings of the Virgin Mother in the Secular State
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