Drawing on a lifetime of ministry experienced, Peter Lewis has written a concise, clear and comprehensive theology of the Christian life. With a blend of faithful exegesis, pithy quotations and personal anecdotes he reminds us that God’s great purpose is that we should be transformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Readers will be encouraged to rejoice afresh in all that Christ has done for them, challenged to pursue holiness in every area of their lives, and inspired to look forward to the eternal glory to come. It would be impossible to read this book without repenting afresh and seeking God’s help to live a new life by the power of his Holy Spirit.
John Stevens, National Director, FIEC
Christlikeness is the ultimate goal of the Christian life, produced not merely by imitating Christ, but by Christ being Himself within his regenerate people. His life imparted to us becomes the source of new appetites, new empowerment and new fruitfulness. Peter Lewis helpfully explores both the source and the outworking of this in both personal and corporate life, in good times and in bad, in the light and in the dark, when God seems close and when God seems distant. Full of memorable illustrations, this book will help both the newest believer and the most mature disciple.
Charles Price, Teaching Pastor, The People’s Church, Toronto
This is a powerful presentation of what it means for a Christian to be Christlike. Peter Lewis roots his message deeply in scripture. In his development of his theme he connects with a remarkable range of Christian thinking and human experience. The whole book communicates a crucial call to a different way of living. But Peter Lewis shows compellingly that the demands of such a life are more than fully matched by the resources God has made available. Read what is written here with an open heart and be prepared to be challenged and changed by it.
Ian Randall, author and former lecturer at Spurgeon’s College, London and the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague.
‘much to think about, to reflect on and to put into practice’
The Reader