<b>"Fans of Arnold’s perceptive,</b> bold and profoundly spiritual writing will not be disappointed in this book, which dares to ask why humans are so afraid of death…The writing here is superb and the emotions fiercely real."
- <b><i>Publishers Weekly</i></b>,
<b>"Arnold’s book movingly shows</b> people coming to grasp the power of Christian hope in their encounter with death. It prepares us for that same encounter."
- <b>Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago</b>,
<b>"I have read many books</b> about dying, but this is the one I would give to someone approaching death or facing bereavement. From start to finish it shines with hope."
- <b>Paul Brand, M.D., author, <i>Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants</i></b>,
<b>"This is a beautiful book</b> of surpassing dignity and tenderness. Although written with great simplicity of style, it is nonetheless a work of moral mystery…a small treasure, unpretentious and transcendent."
- <b>Jonathan Kozol, author, <i>Amazing Grace</i></b>,