Review of the hardback: 'With moral theologian, doctor, and then policy maker in mind, this book goes a good distance in making plausible how addiction can be better understood when the natural social sciences' are brought together with theology.' Studies in Christian Ethics
Review of the hardback: 'The author, psychiatrist and Anglican priest Christopher Cook, indeed succeeds in illuminating this contribution in a scholarly, thorough, and readable light.' Journal of Addictive Diseases
Review of the hardback: '… the extra work required for non-theologians to engage fully with this book pays off in richer understanding of how the world's largest religion continues to grapple with one of the world's greatest public health challenges.' Addiction
Review of the hardback: 'This is an entirely praiseworthy attempt by Chris Cook to open the ethical debates on alcohol questions amongst Christians after many years of embarrassed silence.' A Theology of the Use and Misuse of Alcohol
Review of the hardback: '[Christopher Cook's] expertise with both theology and addiction psychiatry is reflected in this well-argued work, combining up-to-date psychiatry and public health with theology built on Biblical and patristic foundations.' The British Journal of Psychiatry
Review of the hardback: '… a helpful introduction to a complex and complicated issue…' International Journal of Public Theology