Considering the wide range of topics covered and the thought-provoking approaches adopted, the volume is a must-read for advanced-level linguistics majors and scholars interested in pragmatic research. For lay readers curious about language issues, some of the chapters in the second half may be less demanding and arguably more accessible.
- Xiao-Li Zhou, Shanxi University, China and Ya-Xin Wu, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China, in Pragmatics and Society Vol. 6:2 (2015),
<i>Pragmaticizing Understanding</i> is a fine piece of work [...]. The individual chapters and the volume as a whole present illuminating insights into the pragmatics of understanding — from both theoretical and language-use based perspectives. [...] <i>Pragmaticizing Understanding</i> is an excellent piece of work which not only practices what it preaches but also preaches what it practices.
- Anita Fetzer, University of Augsburg, in Functions of Language, Vol. 20:2 (2013),
The researchers and scholars who must be regarded as its primary audience will certainly enjoy this celebration of a field that has come of age in the 60 years of Jef Verschueren’s lifetime.
- Janet Holmes, Victoria University of Wellington, in Discourse Studies Vol.16:1 (2014). Pgs. 107-109,