1. Acknowledgements; 2. Part I. Introduction; 3. Chapter 1. Analysis of Political Discourse: Landmarks, challenges and prospects (by Okulska, Urszula); 4. Part II. Classification and naming in political rhetoric; 5. Chapter 2. Political metaphor and bodies politic (by Musolff, Andreas); 6. Chapter 3. New bodies: Beyond illness, dirt, vermin and other metaphors of terror (by Skinner, Dan); 7. Chapter 4. Legitimation through differentiation: Discursive construction of Jacques Le Worm Chirac as an opponent to military action (by Chovanec, Jan); 8. Chapter 5. Labeling and mislabeling in American political discourse: A survey based on insights of independent media monitors (by Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna); 9. Part III. Critical insights into political communication; 10. Chapter 6. President Bush's address to the nation on U.S. policy in Iraq: A critical discourse analysis approach (by El-Hussari, Ibrahim A.); 11. Chapter 7. Proximizing objects, proximizing values: Towards an axiological contribution to the discourse of legitimization (by Cap, Piotr); 12. Chapter 8.Friends and allies: The rhetoric of binomial phrases in a corpus of U.S. defense speeches (by Bastow, Tony); 13. Chapter 9. The marketization of institutional discourse: The case of the European Union (by Magistro, Elena); 14. Chapter 10. Performing the world of politics through the discourse of institutional correspondence in Late Middle and Early Modern England (by Okulska, Urszula); 15. Part IV. Voices of mediatized politics; 16. Chapter 11. Hedging in political discourse: The Bush 2007 press conferences (by Fraser, Bruce); 17. Chapter 12. Direct e-communication: Linguistic weapons in a political weblog (by Janoschka, Anja); 18. Chapter 13. The language of political opinion: Discourse, rhetoric and voting behavior (by Moir, James); 19. Chapter 14. Political communication: Mediated by translation (by Schaffner, Christina); 20. Chapter 15. Media practices in reporting political crises (by Kovalyova, Natalia); 21. Part V. Politicizing 'linguistic human rights'; 22. Chapter 16. The practice and politics of multilingualism (by Blackledge, Adrian); 23. Chapter 17. Multilingual development in Germany in the crossfire of ideology and politics (by Pfaff, Carol W.); 24. Chapter 18. Against the assimilationist tide: Nurturing Puerto Rican children's bilingual, bicultural, and academic development in preschool (by Johnson-Beykont, Bruce); 25. Chapter 19. How language affects two components of racial prejudice?: A socio-psychological approach to linguistic relativism (by Bilewicz, Michal); 26. Part VI. Conclusion; 27. Chapter 20. Exploring 'political communication(s)': Contexts, procedures and outlook (by Okulska, Urszula); 28. Contributors; 29. Subject index
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