Intercultural Pragmatics provides a state-of-the-art theory-driven account of intercultural communication within the range of pragmatics. Its prodigious arguments on the discursive principles of intercultural encounters and its versatile adaptation of general pragmatic resources to intercultural pragmatics research confirm Istvan Kecskes profile as the most respected authority on intercultural pragmatics. I therefore strongly commend the book to all scholars interested in pragmatics, cultural studies, linguistic anthropology and sociology of language.
Akin Odebunmi, Discourse Studies
I think that his [Kecske's] concern for linguistics as part of the humanities has to be heavily applauded. This is an important book no one can deny this. Furthermore, I suspect this book is only the tip of the iceberg. This book stimulates more to come
Alessandro Capone, University of Messina, Australian journal of Linguistics
I am convinced that Kecskes' volume is likely to become a classic in pragmatics, due to both its respectful debate with traditional theories, and also its exploration of innovative niches of research in language, culture, and society.
Jesus Romero-Trillo, Applied Linguistics
this book makes a substantial contribution in a rapidly developing area. It provides many perceptive insights and discussions that readers of Language and Dialogue will appreciate, and Kecskes makes a convincing case for the contribution of current pragmatic theories to debates in areas such as the theorization of (im)politeness.
Janet Holmes, Language and Dialogue
Intercultural Pragmatics by Istvan Kecskes is an extremely valuable and orginal piece of work for any student, scholar or researcher interested in the huge fields of pragmatics, intercultural pragmatics and interaction across genres, contexts and cultures.
Anita Fetzer, Pragmatics and Cognition
likely to become widely quoted in an area of study that keeps growing through international conferences and journals.
Roberto A. Valdeon, Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
The logical organization of the book, as evident from its sequencing of chapters, makes it reader-friendly.
Mohammad Nodoushan, Pragmatics and Society10/03/2017
The book Intercultural Pragmatics, with its original synthesis of existing pragmatic theories and detailed discussion of methodological approaches, combined with careful analysis of conversational examples, is an important step forward.
Yi-Ju Lai, Sociolinguistics