<p><i>"Building on several decades of research on the topic and highlighting new empirical research, these books, accessible to a variety of readers, move the discussion of gifted bilinguals from the pages of scholarly journals to the public domain. For that and for the depth of treatment and concreteness of proposed solutions they deserve great recognition."</i><br />—<b><i>Bilingual Education and Bilingualism</i></b></p><p><i>"This is an important and groundbreaking book. Teachers and administrators working in gifted programs and with students whose native language is not English need to read it and expand their understanding of what giftedness involves."</i><br />—<b><i>Studies for Second Language Acquisition</i></b></p><p><i>"This is an important book because it brings together sociolinguistics and education to analyze a field that has been superficially explored. It clearly lays out what a complicated cognitive process interpretation/translation is. Society in general takes for granted the work of interpreters, especially casual interpreters. This volume dispels that myth and raises the notion of bilingualism as an asset, not a detriment....The potential implications for education are tremendous."</i><br />—<b>Mar¡a Estela Brisk</b><br /><i>Boston College</i></p><p><i>"The authors merge two very different bodies of literature and research--interpreting and giftedness--and propose that one can inform the other. I think they are right....As a whole, the book is a refreshing look at an area of competence that is given little attention in the literature or in practice."</i><br />—<b>Patricia Gandara</b><br /><i>University of California at Davis</i></p><p><i>"The breadth of the book is substantial. It will prove interesting and valuable to persons who are not in the specific field of gifted and talented education, but who want to understand better the adaptation needs and strategies for survival of non-English background immigrant youth and families....and will interest educational professionals in the areas of school psychology, teacher training, educational research, and educational policy analysis...and will be highly informative to graduate students and professional researchers in sociolinguistics, bilingualism, and applied linguistics."</i><br />—<b>Richard Duran</b><br /><i>University of California at Santa Barbara</i></p>