"...Composition Theory for the Postmodern Classroom comes into place at a critical moment. We have worked assiduously to flesh out the ways and means of composition for a new era. This text helps to document our way." --Jones Royster, from the Foreword<br /><br />"JAC has been a central resource for the presentation and consideration of 'theory' in composition studies. These essays act as springboards for reflecting on the ways in which we interrogate and problematize in this discourse community.<br /><br />"As I read the collection of essays, I was frequently reminded that despite seemingly indefinite variation in the circumstances of teaching, composition teachers do not treat theory as a refuge from practice, but value instead what it can tell them about writing and writing pedagogy. I hear in these essays echoes of an inclination to reject precepts that ignore writing and teaching in the name of common sense, and I see traces on the paths taken of the uncommon intention to practice and teach writing--for a change." -- Linda Brodkey, from the Afterword