<p><i>"The editors have used multiple sources to develop this exciting look at beliefs about text....A must for all education graduate students."</i><br />—<b><i>CHOICE</i></b></p><p><i>"Garner and Alexander have tapped the creativity of highly respected researchers and teacher educators in this volume. The volume includes a wonderfully rich variety of chapters that will provoke the imagination of anyone interested in thinking deeply about the construction of knowledge from texts....The chapters are intriguing because they probe uncharted areas and raise new questions that go beyond cognitive analyses of literacy comprehension and instruction. The book contains fascinating information about the beliefs that people hold and the understanding they construct about street texts, nonlinear text, and even research studies as texts. Some authors examine how the personal beliefs of researchers shape their studies and interpretations and others probe how the beliefs of teachers influence their instructional practices. Fascinating, bold, and refreshing -- these chapters will stimulate exciting new directions of inquiry in literacy research and practice."</i><br />—<b>Scott G. Paris</b><br /><i>The University of Michigan</i></p><p><i>"What are beliefs? What is text? What do beliefs about text have to do with thinking, learning, and teaching? <b>Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text</b> addresses these important questions in a timely, ground-breaking volume. No dull, scholarly treatise this--rather, a creative, highly engaging, and immensely informative collection of diverse perspectives on the intersection of affect and cognition, epistemology and learning, beliefs and instruction. If you're thinking of texts as a linear array of graphic symbols, think again. In this volume, texts are as varied as a documentary film series on the Civil War, electronic hypertext, classroom discussions, and flyers distributed on the street. The examined beliefs include those of first graders in writing classrooms, adolescents in a summer employment training project, feminist researchers, classroom teachers, and 'ordinary people.' Through these compelling chapters, you will become a believer in the need to bring the study of beliefs into work on learning and instruction. The volume by Garner and Alexander is a powerful beginning."</i><br />—<b>Bonnie Armbruster</b><br /><i>University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign</i></p>