If ever a book celebrated cooperation, the coming together of diverse people in an effort to learn from each other, that book is Automating the Lexicon ... an important stock-taking from the mid-1980s...many of its papers survey a wide range of different approaches and issues in computational linguistics, picking interesting ideas from here and there.
Times Higher Education Supplement
If ever a book celebrated cooperation, the coming together of diverse people in an effort to learn from each other, that book is Automating the Lexicon ... an important stock-taking from the mid-1980s ... many of its papers survey a wide range of different approaches and issues in computational linguistics, picking interesting ideas from here and there.
Times Higher Education Supplement
The book ... is very well edited ... it presents a vast array of real natural language processing systems with appropriate references, most of which will be of interest to readers of this journal. It also forms a good starting point for anyone embarking on the construction of large lexicons, be they for spell checking, machine translation, text generation or computer assisted language learning.
Natural Language Engineering, Vol 2- Part 3
The collection is readable...This collection of Workshop papers will be useful for a graduate seminar course which covers computational linguistics, particularly outside of the domain.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science