<i>Adverb Licensing and Clause Structure in English </i>is an important book that anyone interested in clause structure and in the syntax and distribution of various adverb types (in English) should try to find the time to read.
- Fabian Beiier, Lund University, in the Journal of Linguistics Vol. 44, 2008,
I would definitely recommend Haumann’s book to anyone who is interested in adverb licensing. It would be difficult to do any research on the topic now without first perusing it. A more general reader with little knowledge of government and binding theory may find it a hard read, however it is worth the challenge if you want to understand the intricacies of adverbs. All in all, a stimulating read.
- Wilfrid Rotgé, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre-La Défense , in Cercles, 2012http://www.cercles.com/review/r58/Haumann.html,