A lively collection of celebration and gratitude.
Publishers Weekly
An outstanding celebration of the commitment, compassion, and fierceness of John's generosity in his life and work. For decades, John has sought the heart of things and given strength. Come to this beautiful book for solidarity, for vision, and the affirmation that some voices are so true they must be heard.
Anne Michaels, poet and author of Fugitive Pieces
There are a few authors that can change the way you look at the world through their writing and John Berger is one of them.
Jarvis Cocker, musician and author of Mother, Brother, Lover: Selected Lyrics (2012)
The essays in this collection speak to the great range of John Berger's writing that so often reveals a crucial and often unspoken history of our times.
Michael Ondaatje, author of The English Patient
Like John Berger himself: remarkable in every sense. This collection is expansive, intimate, sensuous, poetic, and political. A book that enriches the soul.
Suad Amiry, author of Sharon and My Mother-in-Law
John Berger has made the world a better place to live in. I do not say this lightly. These essays tell us how he succeeded in that task.
Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things