[T]his anthology capably argues for the inclusion of non-canonical texts in contemporary German Studies scholarship. [It] open[s] the door for future scholarly investigation of these primary texts and many others that have traditionally belonged to categories of Trivialliteratur or pulp ?ction. The editors and contributors succeeded in their aim to break with that tradition and to inaugurate a new one.
[R]ich and diverse . . . highly recommended for researchers of genre ?ction, whether working in German Studies or beyond: quotations are provided in German and English, and [an] extensive bibliography[y] direct[s] readers to resources in both languages. Detectives, Dystopias and Poplit invites researchers in one area of genre ?ction to enrich their understanding of the ?eld by learning about others. Seeing how the di?erent genres of crime, science ?ction, and poplit have addressed shared themes such as history, identity, and politics proves to be highly illuminating.