Book Presence in a Digital Age is that rare volume that reads as both the culmination and anticipation of a field. It reflexively brings together some of the most compelling critics and artists thinking about ‘the book’ as medium and cultural artifact – and the individual conversations, explorations, and interventions that result would have alone made for a worthy volume. But the cumulative effect is much more than this, for collectively they articulate the questions that will inform scholarship and artistic practice for some years to come.
Rita Raley, Associate Professor of English, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Operating in the force field between literary theory, comparative media studies, and new materialism, Book Presence in a Digital Age brims over with fresh, insightful, and nuanced explorations of the shifting contours of bookishness in the information age. By means of richly variegated points of entry, it demonstrates how print artifacts, far from hovering at the margins of the digital media ecology, have emerged as one of the defining laboratories for the elaboration of contemporary cultural forms.
Jeffrey Schnapp, Faculty Director of metaLAB, Harvard University, USA