In the short but excellent ‘Resources’ section, Alex Pestell and Sean Pryor cover key terms from ‘avant-garde’ to ‘vers libre’ - and include valuable summaries of how concepts such as ‘fascism’, ‘primitivism’, ‘race’ and ‘high modernism’ shape how we think about modernist literature - while an extensive annotated bibliography of major works of criticism provides a good grounding for students wishing to explore the subject further.
Times Literary Supplement
<i>The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature</i>, edited by Ulrika Maude and Mark Nixon, provides fresh insights. By viewing Modernist Literature through the prism of seemingly unrelated disciplines, such as economics, the Theory of Relativity, and neurology, the <i>Bloomsbury Companion</i> … reveals research synergies and provides opportunities for discovery … While geared towards the more advanced researcher, this book would certainly assist those less familiar with Modernist Literature when taking those first steps from casual readership into research. <i>The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature</i> makes it new and keeps it real.
American Reference Books Annual
[These] assembled essays and resources comprise an impressive array of frequently challenging, illuminating scholarship… [This] Companion does not settle for simply being a guide to existing knowledge, but instead blazes exciting new trails for the rest of us to follow.
Modern Language Review
The book as a whole illustrates superbly what Emily Hayman and Pericles Lewis refer to as “the persistence of modernism".
Recherche Littéraire