“This duck can't help its first name, and in terms of popularity, it declassifies its namesake by many beak lengths. For its 90th birthday, Donald Duck is being released in a colossal edition with clever texts, true to the old holiday motto: Make Duckburg great again!”
Die Zeit
“The book is crazy... a heavy folio, a coffee-table book the size of a coffee table, containing critical essays and plot summaries of every single Disney film in which the duck makes an appearance. The volume is richly illustrated with garish stills from the duck’s greatest hits, story sketches and background paintings as well as an abundance of images of Walt Disney.”
The Times
“Encyclopedic... TASCHEN's magnificent book Walt Disney's Donald Duck traces the metamorphoses of the feathered (anti-)hero... As you leaf through the pages, you begin to understand that the Donald Duck comics have exactly that in a very relaxed way: diversity and inclusiveness... Donald's adventures are neatly contextualized, periodized and categorized in the monumental volume. Walt Disney's Donald Duck thus shows... avant-garde popular culture.”
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
“TASCHEN has published a detailed Donald chronicle with some previously unpublished images. It not only pays tribute to the feathered character with the many all-too-human weaknesses, but also to the illustrators who helped him in comic books and animated films to achieve his still ongoing career.”
ORF Zeit im Bild
“The Donald Duck book is here, the result of years of work by editor Daniel Kothenschulte... A quality of reconstruction and reproduction that has never been seen before. What could be seen was considered known. What did make it into the book is not. The most spectacular thing is what Kothenschulte brings to light in terms of preliminary sketches for Donald Duck films... This book will enrich even the knowledge of intense Duck fans. Pop art avant la lettre. In addition, there are knowledgeable texts (each the length of a veritable monograph).”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“TASCHEN began its publishing career almost 45 years ago with the clumsy duckling... The book is a treasure trove of drawings, sketches, photos and stories.”
ARD Tagesschau
“Donald is everything, he is everybody; he makes the same mistakes that we all make.”
Carl Barks