"A pleasure... The curators have written short, elucidating comments for almost everything here, about 150 items. Not only do their words bring individual images to life; but they also add up to an absorbing narrative of a place and an era." -- Holland Cotter New York Times "Provocative... Puts pressure on the category of idea-based art through a focus on the body, ritual, media and the social world." -- Gillian Young Art in America "While showing a real breadth, and the consistency of various sorts of conceptual thinking, [State of Mind is] in fact very useful in terms of ways in which an artist could reinvent their congenial mediums to express social, political, as well as artistic concerns." -- Phong Bui The Brooklyn Rail "Will leave [locals] ... wondering how they failed to notice so much provocative activity - a lot of it very public - when it occurred." San Francisco Chronicle "Constance Lewallen and Karen Moss take advantage of [the] outsider position, making use of art's ability to conjure or invent new meanings and contexts." -- Maika Pollack Gallerist NY "Makes for conceptual art's continued influence on contemporary art." Public Art Review "Informative and well written." Orange County Register