“Fascinating, informative, revelatory, <i>The Inner Light: How India Influenced the Beatles</i> by Susan Shumsky is a 'must read' selection for the legions of Beatles fans.”
- Midwest Book Review,
“With all the Beatles books out there, it's extremely rare for anyone to find a genuinely worthwhile angle to re-examine the Fabs anymore, but Shumsky has found one and handles it honestly and thoroughly.”
- Mike Segretto, <I>Psychobabble</I>,
“In this 500-page book, replete with over 170 photos, over 130 QR codes, and stunning revelatory information, a niche in Beatles history that until now has largely been ‘sampled’ is thoroughly investigated and brought to light. Whatever your religion, philosophy, or outlook, <i>The Inner Light</i> is a superb work. Even lifelong Beatles fans will <i>definitely</i> learn something new in this well-written, meticulously documented book.”
- Jude Southerland Kessler, <I>Culture Sonar</I>,
“Susan’s book tells a whole story, without sugar coating the truth. The references are like ripples in a pond, reminding me of places, people, events, books, and music that warmly fill my heart, mind and soul.”
- Gurudas (Roger Siegel), author of <I>By His Example</I>,
“A captivating, perceptive study. Long after The Beatles’ 1968 visit to Rishikesh, the sights, sounds, and religious beliefs of India resonated through their lives and music. Their stay at the ashram comes under special scrutiny, including some revelatory stories about Maharishi.”
- Gary Tillery, author of <I>The Cynical Idealist: A Spiritual Biography of John Lennon and Working Class Mystic: A Spiritual Biography of George Harrison</I>,