"Alongside the legacy of his work, Haring is remembered as a man of great bravery and compassion. . . . [<i>Haring-isms</i>] collects together the artist’s most illuminating quotes and observations."<b>---Emily Dinsdale, <i>Dazed</i></b>
"<i>Haring-isms</i> provides a blend of cultural context, artistic opinions, and autobiographical snippets that allows the reader to become instantly acquainted with the world of Keith Haring. His most famous works are explained in detail with words right from the artist’s mouth. At times, reading the book is like walking in a teeny-tiny museum and reading the captions of the artwork…You too may find the small yellow hard-cover packaging delightful. You can treat it almost like a pocket bible of art advice. It is portable, yet durable, and adorable…Those in the market for artistic wisdom will not be disappointed!"<b>---Margaret Rose Smith, <i>Picture this Post</i></b>
"<i>Haring-isms</i>, part diary, part chronology, is only 4x5 in. but packs an amazing punch about the life of [Keith] Haring."<b>---Jean Bundy, <i>Anchorage Press</i></b>
"[A] new cute yellow book, featuring [Haring’s] radiant baby tag on the cover, brings together short quotes from the artist drawn together from a wide variety of sources…<i>Haring-isms</i> is maybe not a book you read from cover to cover, but it’s a lovely ray of sunshine to drop on your coffee table for constant inspiration. - OutinPerth.com"