This paperback can be added to an expanding list of valuable dementia care publications, which confirms the higher-profile importance of that particular specialism in the caring professions.
- Working with Older People, Stephen Weekes, Book Reviews Editor,
Exploring the Self Through Photography examines how professionals working with groups can use photography to promote positive change. From how to set up and run a photography group to chapters covering relationship-building, self-esteem and more, this provides activities and themes perfect for photography and psychology collections alike.
- The Midwest Book Review,
This is an immensely practical book which uses photography in a variety of ways, from making photographic images, or using postcards, images from magazines and newspapers...It is a valuable resource for people using a creative activity as a tool for exploring the processes of self-development and reflection to gain greater insight into personal growth and the possibility of making change...Exploring the self through photography invites the reader to embark on a journey of visual self-discovery, and to encourage others ot use photography to see the world (and themselves) in a different light.
- Therapy Today,