To clear their minds and organize their ideas, artists will often start projects by drawing sketches. Drawing asks why artists and designers use drawing in that way to kick-start their creative thinking, considering the application of drawing and its various uses across disciplines. From the interdisciplinary perspectives of archaeology, jewelry design, illustration, and landscape architecture, this innovative volume highlights how drawing is used in the professional world. With examples from both contemporary and historical contexts, Drawing will be an invaluable resource for practitioners and scholars seeking a rationale for why we draw.  
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To clear their minds and organize their ideas, artists will often start projects by drawing sketches. This book asks why artists and designers use drawing in that way to kick-start their creative thinking, considering the application of drawing and its various uses across disciplines.
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Chapter 1: 'Drawing with Purpose in Politics' - Page 1 - Dave Brown Chapter 2: 'Drawing Archaeology' - Page 13 - Dr Helen Wickstead Chapter 3: 'Drawing with Science' - Page 29 - Sarah O'Hana Chapter 4: 'Reflection on Time Spent Drawing: Towards Animation' - Page 45 - Pat Gavin Chapter 5: 'Drawing: A Tool for Designers' - 57 - Dr Russell Marshall Chapter 6: 'None, Yet Many Purposes in My Works' - Page 71 - Lin Chuan-chu Chapter 7: 'Information without Language' - Page 85 - Nigel Holmes Chapter 8: 'Landscape - Drawing - Drawing - Landscape' - Page 93 - Susan Hale Kemenyffy Chapter 9: 'Hew Locke on Drawing and Sculpture' - Page 107 - In conversation with Dr David Cottington Chapter 10: 'Drawing is a Way of Reasoning on Paper' - Page 119 - Andrew Selby
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Intellect Books
178 mm
229 mm
G, UU, UP, 01, 05
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Om bidragsyterne

Leo Duff is an illustrator, exhibitor of freelance illustration work, and the Head of MA in Drawing as Process at the University of Kingston.
Phil Sawdon is learning and teaching coordinator at Loughborough University School of Art and Design.