<p><strong>'This new collection, which comprises four bulky volumes, is the most comprehensive set of essays on Chinese cinema published in English. Berry (King's College London, UK), the editor of the collection, is one of the foremost scholarly authorities who writes and publishes (in English) on Chinese film history and criticism. The set is divided into seven sections and includes major works that explore aesthetics through key films and directors; film cultural practices, such as consumption, distribution, exhibition, reception, and criticism; production practices, including genres, stars, studio structures, and marketing; and cinema's connection to society and its relationship to issues such as the nation-state, revolution, and gender. The list of contributors has almost every major scholar in the field, including Paul Clark, Paul J. Pickowicz, Rey Chow, Stephen Teo, Stan Rosen, June Yip, and many others (including Berry). Although most of the essays are reprinted articles or chapters from previously published books, not all of this material is easily accessible. By publishing all of these works in one convenient title, the publisher has done a great service to the field...these books deserve a place on the shelves of every major research library. Summing Up: Highly recommended. All major research libraries.'</strong> - <em>J. M. Hargett, CHOICE</em></p>