<p>'In this excellent book on the British crime movie, a follow-up to his valuable studies of English-language and Scandinavian crime fiction, Forshaw interrogates the usual suspects, discovers many neglected pictures, and places them all in a larger social context. It's a work to read for pleasure and instruction, and then to keep on the reference shelf.'</p>
<p>- Philip French, The Observer</p>
<p>'Crime fiction in films and literature is my meat. So Barry Forshaw's terrific book not only rekindled memories of films seen but provided clues to others yet to be revelled in. This rave has nothing to do with getting an honourable mention.'</p>
<p>- Mike Hodges, Director, Get Carter</p>
<p>'An incredible work; so thorough, so informed and at the same time so very readable and entertaining.'</p>
<p>- Peter James, Chair, Crime Writers' Association</p>
<p>'This book provides a much-needed shot in the arm for writing on British crime film. The colourful case-studies draw out the political complexities of this stalwart genre, opening up the films in insightful and often revisionary readings. Calling upon his compendious knowledge of the subject and injecting wit into his precise prose, Forshaw reinvigorates the field.'</p>
<p>- Steven Peacock, Reader in Film and Television Aesthetics, Programme Coordinator MA Film and Television Aesthetics, University of Hertfordshire, UK</p>
<p>'Barry Forshaw has penetrated the locked-room mystery of the British crime film and brought it to book ... the verdict is "outstanding".'</p>
<p>- Kim Newman, Author, Nightmare Movies</p>
<p>'Destined to become an essential volume on any self-respecting cinephile's bookshelf. Forshaw is bang-on about the British crime films you already know, but (even more importantly) makes you eager to track down and watch the lesser-known gems you haven't seen.'</p>
<p>- Anne Billson, The Guardian</p>