“Remember when Frank Frazetta reignited the legitimacy of pencil drawings back in the ’90s? Well, Frank Cho has now done the same with the ballpoint pen. These works of art are actually a meditation of excellent craftsmanship, proving again that a simple tool in the hands of a true master can be as powerful as any.”
—Daren Bader
“Cho astounds with a pencil or a pen or a broken stick dipped in ink.”
—Mark Chiarello
“It is absolutely mesmerizing to watch a master perform magic using the most humble of tools.”
—J.A.W. Cooper
“Frank has a tremendous sense of anatomy, proportion and volume and elegant line—and
yet, for some reason, he accidentally drew all of these with a common ballpoint pen. Must remember to send him some new drawing pens!”
—Terry Dodson
“Frank is one of the most naturally gifted artists working in comics. His work is beautiful,
with a spirit of fun and wonder.”
—Brandon Peterson
“It’s always fun to see where Frank takes his chosen subject matter. I would never have guessed
he’d wrestle an office supply into something so beautifully finished. Where are the ink blobs?
Bonus points for stunning graphic design.”
—Mark Schultz
“Frank ‘Monkey Boy’ Cho has done for the ballpoint pen what George Petty did for the airbrush—moved it from the world of industry and commerce to the world of drapery, flesh, flowing hair and girls, girls, girls. Old ’40s white boys like me, and a whole lot of others, thank him.”
—Jim Silke