<p>It's becoming something of a habit for these glorious little books to fetch up in our "Book of the Week" slot.<br /><br />We make no apologies, they really are that good, and so collectable too.<br /><br />"Aladdin (Disney Animated Classics)" from Studio Press once again showcases the story of Aladdin, and of course a ton of glorious production stills and preproduction art from the hit animated movie (which is STILL one of our all-time favourite Disney films).<br /><br />As with the other titles in this series, this beautiful hardback book's presentation is top notch with a gorgeous clothbound hard cover, gold gilt page ages and full end-paper illustrations to make it a real treat for the eyes. <br /><br />The story text comes with lots of paintings, story sketches and concept art from the original Disney Studio artists (with a handy list of credits for each image at the end, so you know who's who when it comes to the super-talented artists behind the scenes. <br /><br />Also interesting is a written foreword from Yasser Hamed, Crowds Supervisor at the Walt Disney Animation Studios, recalling his own fond memories of Disney films as a kid - turning into an eventual career in animation working for his dream employer (we're only a tiny bit jealous, having just come back from Disney World and being completely stunned by how amazing the parks are).</p>
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