This is a terrific history of the Seventh Fleet’s vital service to the United States in the Vietnam War. Remarkably researched and interpreted, it is a testament to the spectrum of naval warfare missions, from carrier operations, naval gunfire support, mine warfare, and special operations that the fleet provided the national command authority. Then, as now, the Seventh Fleet was the tip of the spear focused on supporting U.S. strategic and national security interests in the Indo-Pacific region.
- Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations, 2011–2015 and Commander Seventh Fleet, 2004–2006,
Combines a crisp text by the leading authority on the subject, with well-chosen contemporary photographs, new maps, and excellent art work… an excellent introduction to a complex conflict, and the operational lessons learnt. - Professor Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History, King’s College London
This is the real story behind the US Navy's Vietnam War
Ships Monthly
This is a useful look at how the US Navy coped with the unplanned nature of the fighting in Vietnam
It is well written and thoroughly recommended for those interested in the US Navy’s involvement in the Vietnam war.
Miniature Wargames