"No other living historian approaches the range of [Ginzburg's] erudition. Every page of Threads and Traces, his latest work to appear in English, offers an illustration of it." -- Perry Anderson London Review Of Books "Ginzburg's range is remarkable ... rich in references to and insights about diverse historical perspectives." Publishers Weekly "A collection of essays by the profoundly original, intellectually wide-ranging, Italian-Jewish historian Carlo Ginzburg ... an illuminating collection of chapters, deftly translated from the original Italian by Anne C. and John Tedeschi." -- Benjamin Ivry Forward "These essays humanely and generously explore the question of how history ought to be written." -- Jonathan Beckman The Literary Review "Surprising pace, intellectual range, and learned discourse is typical throughout the book... Artfully constructed essays." -- Raymond Grew, University of Michigan Jrnl Of Interdisciplinary History "This is a brilliant text, the product of a scholar of rare breadth and knowledge." -- Ben McDonald, University of Melbourne Melbourne Historical Jrnl